Whiskers Pride Cotton Buds for Pets
Price RM15.00
Product SKU WPCBCombi
Brand Misc Brand
Points Needed 1500
Availability 12
Whiskers Pride Cotton Buds
12 left

Available Size
1. S Size - 100 Pcs (suitable for Small or Medium pets)
2. XL Size - 100 Pcs (suitable for Large or X-Large Breed pets)

Description: Whiskers Pride Cotton Buds for dogs & cats are 100% pure cotton, sterilised, highly absorbent and gentle. The longer rod facilitates applications such as cleaning a pet’s ears, nose and eyes as well as first aid uses. Whiskers Pride Cotton Buds are excellent for multi-purpose cleaning of hard-to-reach areas. Whiskers Pride Cotton Buds are suitable for first aid applications for pets. Eye and Nose Care to remove discharge, gently wipe the area around the pet’s eyes or nose. Ear Care Gently clean away any visible wax with ear care cleaning solution.